Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Post That Took Forever

Hey!  I have been planning on putting up a new blog post for quite some time now and but, as you may or may not know, my internet is run by donkeys so it can be really slow and stubborn but I finally got all the photos to load so now I'm back to give you some news!

So I've been busy with the next group preparing them for their service and trying to give helpful information.  Although I think they mostly learned how much Namlish a PCV talks when they are in a village where people are barely speaking any english.  "Are you not having a pen?" "Can you not hear me?" "I'm coming now" etc.  It's crazy to think that I have been here a whole year and will be home before I know it.

But let's not get it twisted I'm still having time to bring up the fun!

Just recently I got to skype with my Brother's Class that he's teaching.  It was really fun to share my experiences here and answer questions from his learners about everything from what we eat, Nelson Mandela, Apartheid, languages, and culture.

I also went on a trip for an early birthday trip to Sossusvlei!  It was totally amazing! Photos are below this paragraph.  We got to climb Dune 45 and it was really a work out.  I used climbing the dune as a 'biggest loser' challenge of sorts.  I wanted to climb to dune as fast as I could (15 min) to celebrate my weight loss (almost 60lbs!) and to prove to myself that if I put my mind to it I can do it all!  I had a great time with the tour group (cardboard box) and we all had plenty of laughs and adventure over the weekend, which includes breaking down in the middle of the desert!



So I bet you're wondering about my projects!  Well I've decided to start a Male Circumcision Campaign in my Community!  I've already been working on MC but I want to make it on a bigger scale!

Camp GLOW (guys/girls leading our world) is coming up soon!  To learn more about it and/or to make a donation click HERE

I am so in the midst of taking photos for a Healthy Pregnancy Picture Codes to help women understand more about their pregnancy and have photos that depict a healthy pregnant lifestyle!

Also the Garden is blooming! My friend has been hard at work making the garden grow and it has really taken off...so much so that during a clinic community meeting we had to tell people to not touch/take the crops! Pictures below!

That's all for now but I'll update you more soon!

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